Updated 1 December 2022
1. Counselling Fee:
Each professional counselling session lasts approximately 60 minutes. Counselling fee is charged at $100 per session, for individual, couple and family sessions.
You will be separately informed if you have been approved to receive a fee subsidy. Counselling fees are non-refundable.
2. Fee Payment:
We prefer cashless payment before each counselling session. Please make your payment by either PayNow or ATM/ internet bank transfer. We apologise for not having the capacity to accept payment by NETS or credit card.
3. Payment Modes:
Key in Oogachaga's UEN (Unique Entity Number): 53035413J
Or scan the following QR code using your banking or PayNow app on your mobile phone:
Please include your full name as a reference.
Internet Bank Transfer
Company name: Oogachaga
Account type/ number: DBS Current 011-901459-8
Bank/ branch code: 7171-011
Please send us the following information after the transfer has been made.
Your name
Amount transferred
Date of counselling session
Date of transfer
Type of transfer (eg. PayNow or internet bank transfer)
Reference number (if any)
4. Penalty Fee: We apologize in advance for having to charge a penalty fee (50% of session fee) for clients who cancel their appointments within 1 working day of their scheduled appointment, or do not turn up at all.
5. Punctuality: We value punctuality. Please inform us at least 1 working day in advance for any changes.
6. Contacting us: For all matters regarding counselling fees, you can reach us at or WhatsApp: 91516979