Updated 1 December 2022

1. Counselling Fee:

Each professional counselling session lasts approximately 60 minutes. Counselling fee is charged at $100 per session, for individual, couple and family sessions.

You will be separately informed if you have been approved to receive a fee subsidy. Counselling fees are non-refundable.

2. Fee Payment: 

We prefer cashless payment before each counselling session. Please make your payment by either PayNow or ATM/ internet bank transfer. We apologise for not having the capacity to accept payment by NETS or credit card.

3. Payment Modes:


Key in Oogachaga's UEN (Unique Entity Number): 53035413J

Or scan the following QR code using your banking or PayNow app on your mobile phone:  


Please include your full name as a reference.  

Internet Bank Transfer

Company name: Oogachaga

Account type/ number: DBS Current 011-901459-8

Bank/ branch code: 7171-011

Please send us the following information after the transfer has been made.

  • Your name

  • Amount transferred 

  • Date of counselling session

  • Date of transfer

  • Type of transfer (eg. PayNow or internet bank transfer)

  • Reference number (if any)

4. Penalty Fee: We apologize in advance for having to charge a penalty fee (50% of session fee) for clients who cancel their appointments within 1 working day of their scheduled appointment, or do not turn up at all.

5. Punctuality: We value punctuality. Please inform us at least 1 working day in advance for any changes.

6. Contacting us: For all matters regarding counselling fees, you can reach us at or WhatsApp: 91516979