Within walking distance from the Oogachaga office in Chinatown are a number of LGBTQ-owned/ friendly commercial venues.
SAUNAS (for men)
Here is an article by Zula, dated August 2023, that lists the current LGBTQ-friendly bars & clubs. You can also follow FOMO HOMO, Man About Town and Lesbeheard to find out more about other queer events happening around Singapore.
Oogachaga is not responsible for any actions, policies or practices of any external organisations, businesses or venues listed on this page.
We advise you to use your own discretion and do your own research on anything you have read, found or been recommended on this page.
We make no guarantees or representations about the accuracy of the information about the businesses and venues found on this page.
When choosing a business or venue you are doing so at your own safety and risk and at no time are we liable for any loss.